Fall Season Deferred

Update on the Fall soccer season from the RC's email sent last night. Given the current COVID-19 environment, the Fall Soccer season will be deferred meaning that it is very unlikely that the season will start at any time later this year. We are hoping to be able to conduct a season as soon as it is deemed safe to do so and realistically we believe the earliest opportunity will be in the January-March timeframe in 2021. At this point we have closed Fall registration and I will be sending a separate email (this weekend) to those families that have already registered for the Fall season.

Stay safe and healthy Region 17 families!

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Spring League Postponed

Unfortunately, we need to postpone our 8U to 19U Spring League games as a result of field closures at two of the schools in our Area due to concerns regarding the Coronavirus.

Our Region 17 fields continue to remain open.   Hence at this time, coaches may choose to continue holding practices.

Since our 6U teams only play on our Region 17 fields, their games will continue as planned at this time.

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